First Ever Social Event at Bergen Fellesverksted (No dugnad, We promise!)

Bergen Fellesverksted Damsgårdsveien 227, Ingang fra verftet,Laksevåg,Norway

We will be serving hotdogs, burgers and you bring what ever you like to drink. Bergen Fellesverksted will be present what have been done so far, and what the plan is moving forward. Bring a friend if the workshop might be relevant to them. Bring your dog because we love dogs.


DUGNAD 1. Material Salvaging

At a house in the city center that is going to be renovated, we are allowed to salvage materials for the workshop. Then plan is to gather all items on Friday and transport them to BFV on Saturday, unless we finish quickly on Friday. We will be getting: Floor boards ~70m² A kitchen A ventilation


DUGNAD 2. Transporting materials to BFV

Unless we are able to transport all items from the dugnad on Friday, we plan to pick it up and drive it this Saturday. Probably takes 2 runs with a big transport car. Will involve some carrying. No specific skills required. If you got a pair of hands, you will be helpful! <3 Its totally
