Lathing club meetup

Bergen Fellesverksted Damsgårdsveien 227, Ingang fra verftet,Laksevåg,Norway

Lets turn some wood! The lathing club meetup is held on the first Thursday every month and is an informal gathering where we socialize, practice and learn from each other. The goal is to make it easier for BFV-members to get some practice and experience with the wood lathes, the tools and materials. There will

Introduksjon til tredreiing

Bergen Fellesverksted Damsgårdsveien 227, Ingang fra verftet,Laksevåg,Norway

På dette kurset lærer du grunnleggende bruk av tredreiebenk og teknikkene som trengs for å begynne å dreie på egen hånd på Bergen Fellesverksted eller på andre dreiebenker. Gjennom mye praksis får du lære en rekke teknikker som vil gi deg grunnlaget for å lage det aller meste, fra figurer til boller. I tillegg går

Lathing club meetup

Bergen Fellesverksted Damsgårdsveien 227, Ingang fra verftet,Laksevåg,Norway

Lets turn some wood! The lathing club meetup is held on the first Thursday every month and is an informal gathering where we socialize, practice and learn from each other. The goal is to make it easier for BFV-members to get some practice and experience with the wood lathes, the tools and materials. There will

Lathing club meetup

Bergen Fellesverksted Damsgårdsveien 227, Ingang fra verftet,Laksevåg,Norway

Lets turn some wood! The lathing club meetup is held on the first Thursday every month and is an informal gathering where we socialize, practice and learn from each other. The goal is to make it easier for BFV-members to get some practice and experience with the wood lathes, the tools and materials. There will

Lathing club meetup

Bergen Fellesverksted Damsgårdsveien 227, Ingang fra verftet,Laksevåg,Norway

Lets turn some wood! The lathing club meetup is held on the first Thursday every month and is an informal gathering where we socialize, practice and learn from each other. The goal is to make it easier for BFV-members to get some practice and experience with the wood lathes, the tools and materials. There will