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Presentation: Sailing stories, How to cross the Atlantic in a Viking Ship
2023-03-29 @ 18:00 - 21:00
Pelayo Secades has sailed with Gothenburg, a replica of a Swedish 18th century full-rigged ship, crossed the Atlantic with Harald Hårfagre, the Norwegian viking ship replica and have a long experience with maintenance and woodworking on historical ships. As well as working as a rigger on modern sailing boats.
He will tell us all about this, as well as his next adventure this summer.
It will be an evening of learning new (old) things about sailing and a great excuse to take a break from all the studies and come socialize a bit. Bring a beer or two if you feel like it.
The event is held for members of BSI Seiling and Bergen Fellesverksted only, please sigh up bellow. We’ll start off with a guided tour around the workshop for anyone interested.